Professional Profile:
Candis Farmer
District Manager Maryland and Pennsylvania
Floyds 99 Barbershop
What would you tell someone who was considering beginning their cosmetology education at THE TEMPLE?
I graduated from THE TEMPLE – Frederick location – in 2006. I see a big difference comparing THE TEMPLE to other cosmetology schools that I’ve either visited as a potential student or ones that I’ve now visited as a presenter.
I would almost compare THE TEMPLE to a four-year university where some of the other schools are more along the lines of being a trade school. Trade schools are very focused on “checking the boxes” and doing the things needed to get a cosmetology license. But I really felt that at THE TEMPLE I was exposed to all of the options – kind of like general studies – like platform work, photo work, charity, etc. There was just so much more than just the state board curriculum and it gave me the opportunity to put my hand in a lot of buckets to see what I enjoyed. It was more comprehensive.
What wisdom would you pass along to current Future Professionals?
My biggest advice is don’t be too good for anything. Learn all that you can because you’ve just hit the tip of the ice burg. When you get out of school you feel very knowledgeable as compared to when you started but in the grand scheme of the industry, there are so many people out there who have knowledge to offer you. It is important to keep your mind open to learning those things.
Also keep in mind that nothing is free. You might get to go to work with an amazing colorist but in exchange you might need to scrub the toilet there every night. But the knowledge that you receive from that colorist is free and might have taken that person 20 years to learn. And that is priceless.
Is there one thing you wished graduates knew coming out of cosmetology school?
What you put into your career is directly reflected into your paycheck.
People that wait for clients to magically show up and get haircuts/color are the people who don’t have what they want and they’re also the ones always complaining about money. The people who really live it understand that sometimes you have to work full weekends and nights even if you don’t want to.
You have to pay your dues in this industry and be available for clients. If you put in a couple of good years of solid availability then you get to the point where people like you and request you because you put the work in. That is the point when you get to create your own schedule. You just have to grind when you are new at this.
Just strive to do your best. If you present your best self every day, life will lay itself out for you.