So it’s official! You’re a Future Professional at THE TEMPLE: A Paul Mitchell Partner School and you’re starting your journey with us – congratulations! Here are some tips to get you off to a great start AND to thriving future while you’re here:

- Schedule a shadow day: Is time on your side? Schedule a shadow day! A shadow day is where you basically follow a current Future Professional throughout their day before you actually begin school. A day in the life – even for just a few hours – will give you a glimpse of what it will be like when you’re here. You can reach out to anyone on the Enrollment Team to schedule this.
- Do a dry run/plan for parking: Plan your route and anticipate obstacles! Traffic can be bad. Weather can ruin even the best laid plans, so think ahead! Do a test run during the time and day you would normally come to school! Once you’re here, there are two parking options: One is the diagonal spaces that line both sides of Baker Park. This is FREE, and you’ll have to walk the block to get to THE TEMPLE. (Make sure you have an umbrella and comfortable shoes). The other option is the parking garages. The two nearest to us are the Church Street and Court Street garages. While convenient, you will pay to park here. In fact, it’s about $1 an hour. There are parking passes for about $90/month.
- Arrive at least 15 minutes early: Once you learn your route and feel comfortable with traffic patterns, get into the habit of leaving on the early side. Being early not only helps you focus but gives you the option to grab a coffee or chat with friends before beginning the day. Being late only brings on more stress and really, who needs that?!
- Show up and be present: There’s an old saying that half of success is showing up and it’s so true! You can’t be successful in this program by not being here. It’s a hands-on experience after all. And at the end of the day, this is YOUR experience, your investment and your career so make the most of it and show up – and be on time!
- Lay out clothes/shoes night before: Our dress code is black and white with a ‘splash’ of color in an accessory or two. This is for a few reasons –it looks professional and there’s less guessing.
- Check in regularly: Check your email/phone for any last minute communications from THE TEMPLE enrollment team! There may be missing items that can hold up your enrollment.
- Participate in everything you can: We have a ton of activities both in and out of our curriculum to be involved with. From student-run programs like the ‘Be Nice or Else’ team to helping in community events, there are a variety of things you can jump into. Not only does it show your commitment and enthusiasm for our industry, but it alerts the staff and Learning Leaders that they can count on YOU to step up to the plate. This will serve you well later, especially if you apply for Phase 2 (our honors program) or when it’s time to ask for a referral.
- Think long-term NOW: What’s your goal? What do you want from your time here? How can you make it happen? Who else may share the same goals as you? Just reach out during your first week or two and connect with other Future Professionals, Learning Leaders or staff and ask lots of questions. At the end of the day, it ‘s up to you to put yourself in a position to get smart and be lucky about our profession.
Good luck and congratulations!