Phase Two Program Application: Esthetics - THE TEMPLE a Paul Mitchell Partner School | Frederick | Annapolis

Phase Two Program Application


To all applicants: Phase Two is a program designed for visionary Future Professionals in the Creative phase to prepare them for the professional work environment. It also allows you to receive a Certificate that you have achieved this level of Service in our Program. Phase Two Future Professionals serve as mentors and support our Temple Culture. Before applying, please consider your speed, comfort level, and overall campus presence. Once you have completed your application, your Advisor will setup your Phase Two interview.

    Full Name

    Email Address

    Cell Phone

    Current Hours

    Current Worksheet


    Please share your overall experience so far on the clinic floor. What are your victories? What are some challenges you have faced?

    Take Home Sales: How often have you sold retail? What are some of your favorite retails strategies?

    Are you typically on time to school?

    Do you follow dress code, and 'look the part'?

    Write a half-page essay (150 words or less) on why you would like to be in Phase Two, and what you can contribute to the program.

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