Pictured left to right: Nichole Adams, Colby Nees & Marissa Benedict
Beginning your education in the beauty industry is an exciting time for every Future Professional! That being said, it can also sometimes be a bit overwhelming.
We asked a few Temple grads to give us their best advice on how you can thrive and make the most of your time as a Future Professional at THE TEMPLE.
“SAY YES. Say yes to everything, all the time. When you enroll, your learning leaders will tell you that visionaries say yes and that your time at THE TEMPLE is what you make it. In the beginning, you may want to blow those statements off and not pay much attention to it. Don’t make that mistake! As Sharon Riser says “you’re interview starts the day you walk in those doors.” Listen to those words, really let them sink in.
What kind of future professional do you want to be? Showing up is only half the battle. You don’t become extraordinary by being ordinary. You have to go above and beyond. It’s always a choice but success is never owned, it’s rented, and the rent is due every single day. If you want to be successful you have to put the work in. Successful people aren’t just lucky or gifted, they work hard and succeed because of it. Successful people say YES. Say yes to all of the student run programs. Say yes to flipping pancakes in the morning, say yes to staying late and helping the team for open house. Say yes to every outside of school event they offer you.
Say yes to the staff anytime they need help with something. Say yes to selling Caper promotions so you get a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Say yes to entering your work to the PBA and have a shot at winning Beacon and going to Las Vegas for the NAHA Awards. Say yes to any competition the school holds. Say yes to you friend when she wants you to do her hair. Say yes when another future professional is so nose deep in hair they can’t breathe and they need a coffee. Say yes to yourself and come to school, try your absolute best, and put in work. I promise you the school, this team, and your career will reward you in ways you cannot imagine. You won’t see it at first but in the end, it will all pay off. You will be a changed person and a completely different cosmetologist because of it. I said yes and I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunities that opened up because of it. The opportunities are everywhere all around you, take them. “Opportunities are often disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them”. -Ann Landers. Just say YES!”
“My best advice? Don’t let other people judge you. Make your own decisions! If this is truly your passion DO IT! Before I applied for school I was very hesitant. I didn’t want people to look down on me or think bad about me because I wasn’t going to a “real” college to get a “real” degree and a “real” job. I was a college dropout going to
beauty school. But I am so happy that I did! From my very first steps into THE TEMPLE, I knew my life was going to change forever. This place is truly my home away from home! I have met my best friends here that I will have for a life time. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything different!”
“Looking back, if I could give myself advice in the beginning of this program, I would tell myself to stop worrying so much about other people’s progress and focus on my own. I remember getting so worked up about
how I couldn’t do something like someone else could. But if I had reminded myself that this was MY journey, I would’ve been 1000 times better off!”