Events Team Log - Frederick - THE TEMPLE a Paul Mitchell Partner School | Frederick | Annapolis

Events Team Log

    Official name of the event: *

    Where was it held (venue, city): *

    Date of event: *

    First & Last name of Team Leader: *

    Hours for payroll: *

    Email of Team Leader: *

    # of Prospectives: *

    First & Last Name of Future Professionals participating for this event: *

    Hours of the event for each future professional: *

    The Organizations Website (organization/event website): *

    Social media links (FB pages, instagrams, etc.):

    Description of the event and what took place (how did we fit into the mix, what did our team do, teaching, hair, nails, admissions visit, etc.) *

    Did we giveaway products, etc if so please list: *

    Quote from Future Professional who participated, as well first and last name of the future professional: *

    Quote from team member who participated: *

    Event Pictures: Recommended file size is 500kb. Please note that larger files will take longer to upload. If you have difficulty uploading an image, reduce the file size and try again.

    Event Picture

    Description (List the names of people featured in the picture):

    Event Picture

    Description (List the names of people featured in the picture):

    Event Picture

    Description (List the names of people featured in the picture):