Meet #TEMPLEFREDERICK fab five. From left to right they are: Karleigh, Jess, Hunter, Ally and Erin.
Parts of this friendship started before coming to cosmetology school but the life long bond started at THE TEMPLE.
Hunter and Karleigh have known each other since kindergarten, Hunter also worked with Ally at Pizza Hut, Karleigh and Ally have been friends for three years then they met Erin and Jess when they started school.
Karleigh persuaded Ally to come to cosmetology school. Then on the first day, Hunter saw Karleigh and Ally sitting in Core with him! What they all like about being Temple Future Professionals is building on their friendship because there’s just something about being up to your elbows in color, cholesterol, and working through theory classes together that strengthens any bond. Karleigh added that she also likes the freedom to be creative.
What they like the least is having very little free time between school and work.
Advice they all would share collectively to people with a passion for the beauty industry but ready to start school is:
“Just do it, I came by myself, I didn’t know anyone and I made friends. It’s scary and I’m super shy but it’s worth it.” – Erin
“If you’re passionate about it, remember it and why you wanted to start in the first place. – Karleigh
“People give a lot of hairdressers crap for doing it because they think they don’t make money but. It’s not true.” – Erin
So far as their ‘weird’ talents go, they all agreed that Erin is really fast and can jump very high. (when you see Erin, ask her to run, jump, and tap, her heels together – it’s impressive!)
They also agreed that Jess and Ally are talented at easily leaving eyebrow prints on arms.
The fab five suggests that someone should come to THE TEMPLE because the education they have received is far more than just preparing for the state board exams; they’ve gotten to learn so many other subjects and they’ve been able to meet/network a variety of beauty industry super stars.
Practical advice they all shared (boldly) for Future Professionals just starting their journey at THE TEMPLE:
Don’t miss hours, come to school everyday, listen in theory, don’t be disrespectful to the Learning Leaders, stay on top of your worksheets, AND remember you didn’t make the investment to come to school to slack off!
Oh! And did you ask about their favorite Learning Leaders?! Rickki, Liz, and LeeAnn!
We are so happy this group found their passion and expanded their friendship at Temple Frederick.