Staff and Future Professionals from THE TEMPLE took to Capital Hill in October to meet with representatives to address some of the big issues facing the industry and education.
“Every day on Capital Hill, people sit at tables and conference rooms and offices making decisions that have the ability to greatly affect our lives and our industry. I believe we have a responsibility to have a seat at those meetings. Advocating on Capital Hill is how we get that “seat”. By telling our elected officials our stories and showing them what we do and how we do it, we help keep them focused on the things that matter most to us: their constituents. This year was very special for us because we were able to bring our amazing Future Professionals and they were given the chance to tell their story as well. It was an amazing two days,” stated Charles Riser, co-owner of THE TEMPLE.
“It was an eye opening experience for me. I’ve never lobbied before but since I ultimately want to pursue the executive

side of the industry, I felt it was the perfect opportunity for me to participate,” said Issa Connell, Future Professional. “I’m not personally utilizing any government funding aside from my GI bill but it is important to me to step up for my class and represent them by telling our stories.”