THE TEMPLE: A Paul Mitchell Partner School was proud to participate in the 15th Annual Peace *Love* Happiness Charity Motorcycle Ride in Austin, Texas in April.
The PLH Charity Ride is an annual event founded by John Paul Dejoria, founder of John Paul Mitchell Systems and Gary Spellman, co-founder of Ultimate Face Cosmetics. Originally intended to support local law enforcement, the scope of Peace*Love*Happiness has expanded over the years to encompass first responders and their families and now charities of all types.
“THE TEMPLE is a proud nine-year participant in this event. We believe strongly in supporting the “thin blue line” … the men and women who put their lives on the line daily so that the rest of us can live our lives. We couldn’t be more proud to be a participant,” said Charles Riser co-owner.
Beneficiaries of this year’s event include:
100 Club of Central Texas: a non-profit organization devoted to providing immediate financial and emotional assistance to the families of first responders who have been killed or critically injured in the line of duty.
Infinite Hero: whose pledge is to reward the sacrifice and bravery of those who have risked their lives by providing access to innovative rehabilitation programs that address the unique needs of veterans and their families.
Meeting the Need: an organization that provides adventure retreats for people with disabilities in a historic mining, mountain environment that is completely handicapped-accessible.
The Combat Wounded Coalition: whose mission is to optimize the potential of combat-wounded warriors and families of the fallen by mitigating the effects of trauma, expanding personal capabilities, and inspiring heroes to find individual, unique purpose to create the life and future they desire.