What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas is not the case for the 23 Future Professionals who attended the 30th Annual Caper Event held from February 9th-11th. Because these Future Professionals learned from the very best that the industry has to offer, and they are ready to share it with the world!
These students along with 2,500 Future Professionals from around the country earned the trip by selling specially packaged Paul Mitchell products to cover the expenses of this educational extravaganza. The Caper Event consisted of top leaders in and out of the professional beauty industry, who delivered two days of nonstop education, motivation, and inspiration. A few of the speakers included the following: Lizzie Velasquez, Alvin Law, Kathy Buckley, Charles Marcus, Geno Stampora, Marie Osmond, and more!
Sharon Riser, co-owner of THE TEMPLE explains, “Caper is one of my favorite events, and I love being the host to our team and Future Professionals that attend. Each year when they arrive, we take them out for a great dining experience to show them what customer service should look like. Getting the chance to watch them meet some of their biggest hair mentors is a delight! Education is never ending in the beauty industry so this is a great chance for them to see what lives beyond our doors at THE TEMPLE.”
“My experience at Caper was one of the most exciting educational opportunities that I’ve had. Although, it was a very busy and fast paced get away, the workshops and motivational speakers made it all worth it. Not only were there plenty of learning leaders available to answer any questions, but sometimes you were lucky enough to get to work with some of the JPMS lead artists! Overall, Caper 15 has given me endless amounts of inspiration that I know will contribute to my overall success as a stylist,” raves Madison Clabaugh, Future Professional of THE TEMPLE.

“From my first day until my last, every moment I spent at Caper was an enriching opportunity to learn, grow, and challenge myself. Not only did I learn new techniques, I had first-hand access to some of the brightest minds and talented people in the world. Alongside these memories, the underlying lesson that I took away is that teamwork is essential in this industry. All of the amazing hairdressers, motivational speakers, and staff members I had the honor to interact with, work together as a whole to create unbelievable things,” expressed Herandy “Andy” Silvious, Future Professional of THE TEMPLE.